Sunday, May 15, 2011

Obsessed with PCC Natural Markets

Lately I've been feeling like a completely different person. My food intolerances (gluten, dairy, eggs) have forced me to eat better which has also led to working out. Along my journey to getting healthy I have begun to learn more about what foods I'm putting into my body. I always knew fruits and vegetables were good for you, I learned all about the food pyramid in school, but I never truly realized it until now.

I attended the Walk, Talk & Taste class (free) at PCC yesterday. The class was led by Leika Suzumura, R.D. Some key takeaways I didn't know were:

•PCC does not carry any products that contain high fructose corn syrup
•PCC does not carry any products with food coloring
•PCC does not carry any products with hydrogenated oils, artificial trans-fats
•Brown rice has four times the nutritional value of white rice (great, I just bought more white rice at Costco)

I feel like I've been eating bad stuff my whole life. I hope by turning it around now, I can reverse the effects all those french fries.

I just made some Kale chips last week. I found out what Kale was two weeks ago-it's a hearty leafy green. Here is a link to the recipe. Tasty, easy and good for you!


  1. I agree, PCC is awesome! It's really nice knowing that I don't have to worry about getting artificial colors or high fructose corn syrup of any of that stuff in the foods they sell. Plus I love how much local produce they carry, and it is always top notch.

    Kale chips are so yummy! I like to do them in my food dehydrator. I can't seem to get them crisp but not burnt when I try them in the oven.

  2. I'm not sure how I got them to crisp-I did use a lot of olive oil-I followed their recipe and rubbed it in every nook and cranny. It took about 20 minutes in my oven. Food dehydrator-now there is something I haven't tried yet.
